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Annika Elizabeth


There's been so much, collectively, where we've had to adapt to a new way of doing life. Although this painting stemmed from a more simple adaptation, it seemed to fit, grand scale as I worked.

This painting started with a trip to the park to work on another painting titled, The Other Side of No.

I had packed up all my gear, and was set to enjoy a warm breezy afternoon at the park, hopefully coming close to finishing, The Other Side Of No.

But.. No.. I forgot the painting at home. It felt a bit ironic, yet I was fueled by being told "NO" at this time, which lead me to Adapt to being told No. I can sit and wallow over what is, or I can change what I'm doing.

I used this opportunity to just buy a new canvas. This is how Adapt came into existence.

What would I have done, if I didn't have the opportunity to just buy another canvas?

Likely, I would have found rocks to paint on, or played with grass and leaves. Or took a walk, leaving my paints in their box, creating nothing.

How can we take the energy of Adapt a bit further in our lives when we are faced with great change, collectively and personally?

As I worked, I thought about how I first handled the news of Covid 19, and decided to come home from work for a while to observe in a safe space and assess the real dangers. During that time I lost my health insurance and a paycheck, but I had almost doubled my garden space. I used the time at home to be outside and work on growing my own food and medicine. I found a way to adapt to this abrupt change to my routine. It was good for my soul in many ways, that outweighed the losses I also felt.

We all had to adapt to our lives in that moment; financially, artistically and how we spent time with our loved ones and how we operate within our communities.

We are still here, adapting to what has happened to all of us.

This painting is a reminder of how capable we are of adapting to change. How resilient we are, no matter how trivial or extreme our situation may be.

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