All year. Actually for almost three years I kept saying out loud that I needed to update my website.
Maybe I can make better use out of my website.
I can write whatever I want. On my website. Post my new works of art, and mention when I have classes. On my website.
The issue for me, has been a lack of desire to sit at a computer to do work. I need to move a lot, or I get nasty. I'm Grumpy when I'm interrupted. It takes me a good amount of time to get into a work flow on anything techy. I get up for snacks. I scroll my social media. I'll stretch. I'll decide to start another project real quick. Text my friends.
I do a similar thing at work sometimes too, where I end up with avoidance projects to limit my time on a computer. I think it's gotten bad enough, that I get onto my computer, install new updates, and I don't know how to use my computer anymore. There are all these things it can do, and I am just disinterested for long stretches of time, that I don't learn how..
I'd like to attempt to gain a better grasp on using my lap top as a better tool. I think I struggle to use it at times, because it doesn't hold a charge. It must be plugged into a wall for usage. It runs too slow for proper timely editing of photos. Did I mention, I have trouble staying still?
I don't use my lap top for social media, other than using YouTube for instructional videos and, some music. It's strictly for editing, ordering supplies and sometimes I write on it.
I'm still very much removed from all the ways it might truly help me.
In this web space, on this device, I don't look at anything else but my art. On my phone, I look up all the things, and my friends are a text away.
When I do finally get into a work flow, I over do it. I will stay up too late. I've determined that it's because I fear I won't do it again for months, so I just over do it.
I do this with a lot of things in my life. Grasp a little too hard. I'm exhausting, because I fear it's momentum will be lost.
I'll start on this website.
I want to simplify all the versions of self. I want to make my own web where what I do is chosen as a destination place on the internet based off of real contact and connections I make with people off of the internet.
I spend too much time on Instagram. I get on there and I have turned into a human that loves memes and reels now. I feel like I see more content I didn't intend to look at, which makes me feel like it's just so easy to get lost on a platform like that if you don't know how to truly utilize it. I over post, and then I don't post anything. There isn't much consistency, and It's been low on my list of priorities. I'd like to learn what that might look like, with consistency, when it comes to making my own home base, rather than prioritizing other platforms.
For now, like I've done with yoga, I will just do something. I can do as much or as little as I want to. I can be in progress here. I'll just put it on my to do list, and if it's really important, I will prioritize it.